If you want to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, take care of yourself without being hit with trauma, unnecessary fear, and hysteria. We should not be panicking in this situation, instead of fighting the battle with vigilance, care, and extreme protection. Therefore, it's important to make an effort to help prevent the spread from this critical situation. RJ’s pret also advises people to follow some precautionary measure not just for physical care, but for mental health care too.
Do you know what the coronavirus is?
Coronavirus basically belongs to a large family of viruses that were originated and identified in Wuhan, China. The virus was first diagnosed in December 2019 and continues to spread till date in more than 190 countries which mainly include China, Italy, Spain, the US, UK, India, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. Coronavirus is also called COVID-19 and spread from person to person due to close contact. The disease directly affects your lungs and have symptoms like common cold and flu. You may experience fever, dry cough, pain, and aches. Some most specific groups of people are much vulnerable to this disease as they have a weak immune system. They include older people, children, pregnant ladies, and people with a serious medical background.
How to take good of yourself and others?
Here are some tips mentioned by RJ’s pet which encourage you to take good care of yourself and the family.
Limit media consumption:
If you are constantly watching the news and visiting corona updates sites, you are definitely involving yourself in trouble. Because news related to corona is just creating a panic situation and not helping anyone but giving more mental strain. To fight this battle, it's recommended to stay calm and relax and limit media consumption to something productive only. I believe constant checks on new cases give us more control and sense of responsibility, but beware, these are also negatively impacting your nerves and creating more anxiety and depression day by day.
Virtual get together:
During Corona quarantine, you just need to protect yourself from the outside world and disconnect all types of physical contact. But it doesn't mean you have to stop meeting friends or avoid people virtually too. There is software that helps you connect virtually and enjoy family or friends gathering. You can consider using them for virtual hangouts that include happy hours, parties, and coffee klatches, birthday and dinner parties. You can still be in touch with your faraway relatives—and you will feel that you are seeing each other more than ever now. And it's much better than going out and become the next victim of the corona.
Do not shake hands:
We should be practicing more alternative greetings as we are no longer meant to hug or shake hands. It feels right sometimes, especially when it comes to choosing between life and death.
Walk-in some natural spaces:
Besides staying home, you can sometimes consider walking in some natural spaces or beaches that give you fresh air and light. You would love going out into nature as there would be no hard surfaces filled with germs and viruses and it would also be easy to maintain 3-6 foot distance. Moreover, you won't need to mingle with people around, you can still by practicing social distancing.
Consider immunity support supplements:
To fight this battle with corona successfully, you need to boost your immunity and consider taking the right supplements that can help provide relief to your body. Increase the intake of Vitamin C, D, and natural juices. Ginger and Garlic mixed items are also good to take as they make your bones strong and provide enough power to resist viruses and infections. That's why exposing to sunlight and keeping yourself warm is considered helpful as it can kill the effects of the virus. If natural food items are not your kind of thing, then you can also use energy supplements and related formulas that can help you keep your body strong and fight with viruses like corona.
Setup self-care:
A lot of people wish to perform up to the mark in normal life and want to achieve everything in a short time, and to do that, they compromise on their sleep patterns, work too much, stay up too late, and become careless about their diet. But the fact is, these things are just increasing tension in our nerves and negatively affecting our health. It also weakens the immunity system. So during this corona pandemic, you just need to stay as much hydrated as you can and maintain healthy eating habits to boost your immunity.
Do your best to manage stress and anxiety at this point, because in this condition, our body releases more adrenaline and cortisol, which in turn oppress all the sensitive parts of our immune system, alter all the new white blood cells, and reduce the defensive power to the end.
Stay home if you are not well:
If you are feeling down with fever or flu, seek medical help immediately, and stay home from work and do not go outside and interact with others. This is the best way to treat corona and keep yourself away from infecting others.
Be smart when you travel:
During the corona outbreak, it's not recommended to travel anywhere. But if it's necessary to get to the store for medicine or grocery shopping, then it’s better to go out by wearing masks and gloves. Avoid unnecessary hangouts and manage essential traveling only to keep yourself safe from the virus.
If you are not feeling well and experiencing some symptoms related to the coronavirus, then it's time to seek medical help as soon as possible. And if you are looking for some tips and precautions during the corona pandemic, then let RJ’s prets professionals guide you in more detail and help clear your doubts through more instructions and guidance.
Taking care of yourself is not only necessary for you, but also important for people around you who might get infected due to your carelessness.
So stay home and stay safe!